Performative path Ford
The Performative Path is dedicated to the celebration of two overlapping events half-anniversary of Isadorino gore dance cooperative and the next Venice Biennale that we weren’t invited to.
Inspired by situonistist practices, we took Venice map and the letter from the director of current Biennale of Arts, we invited friends and peers who want to celebrate this remarkable day with us, and conduct our dérive through Moscow looking for Nine Pavilions (of Artists and Books, of Joys and Fears, of the Common, of the Earth, of Traditions, of Shamans, The Dionysian Pavilion, of Colours and of Time and Infinity), mentioned in the description: from Arsenal to Russian Pavilion. We brought every pavilion alive at a site that we felt it placed. We used topics opened by director of the Biennale in her letter “…movement of the self towards the unknown, where experience and speculation are at the forefront, is in and of itself a response to a conservative environment, defying bias, distrust and indifference”