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Mycelium dance floor

The aim of this project is to comprehend and embody our own non-humanity by means of movement practices. My purpose is to build parallels between the human intuition about other selves that are visible through the mythological entities in art and contemporary scientific discoveries. Aby Warburg researched the migration of the images through the cultures and history, Carl Jung described archetypes, which deal with the phenomenon of collective memory as well. My assumption is that mythological selves and entities in world art history represent the intuitive premonition of the presence of invisible life, and it's ubiquity that nowadays is researched by microbiome studies. By paralleling those I am building a picture of the planetary coexistence, and by embodying that parallel through the dance practice, I make this knowledge commensurate to the human scale and temporality. 

performative step of the project is supported by International Cultural Project Butterbrot

music: Yuri Akbalkan
camera: Fabio Dondero and Ali Sheikh Khudr
recorded during the exhibition Contemporary Love as a part of 48 Stunden Neukölln
Polymedialer Ponyhof, Berlin 2020

Concept narrated

проект также функционировал в формате онлайн-лаборатории

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